In 1987 the Suffolk County Democratic Committee through its Chair, Dominic Baranello, officially authorized a Democratic Club in the Town of Southampton. The Club’s first President was a gifted young Democrat with a future in politics – John P. Spata, the Vice Chair of the Southampton Town Democratic Committee. After John’s untimely death in his early twenties, his mother and long time political activist, Joan Farrell, became the Club’s second President, and Committee Chair Baranello named the Club in honor of John. Subsequent Presidents Marion Boden, Charleen Murphy, Thomas Henry, Grania Brolin, and Joy Flynn (current) have pursued the Club’s established goals of providing a forum for discussion of issues of concern to Southampton Town residents.
Meeting nine times a year to present informed speakers on a range of social and political issues, the John P. Spata Southampton Democratic Club has evolved into a strong organization with considerable impact on the community. The Club supports local candidates by offering them a public forum and through financial contributions. In addition the Club has supported a number of charitable organizations by helping to raise funds in support of their activities.
Recent programs offered at the John P. Spata Southampton Democratic Club’s monthly meetings demonstrate the diversity of our members’ concerns.
2020 Speakers:
Making Sure the Majority Wins: Ranked Choice Voting (RCV)
Speakers: NYS Assemblyman Fred W. Thiele, Jr. & Steve Abramson
Speaker: Barbara Weber-Floyd, Journalist and Author
Topic: The Resistance and Me–An Insider’s Account of the Two-Year Mission to Stop the Trump Agenda and Take Back the House
Topic: Can Nancy Goroff Beat Zeldin?
Speaker: Dr. Nancy Goroff, Candidate for Congress, District I
October 2020
Topic: What If?. . . Worst-Case Scenarios from Nov 3 to Jan 20
Speaker: Jerry H. Goldfeder, Special Counsel, Stroock